PRIER Spigots Ready for Spring

Spring is in the air, and with it comes the ritual of outdoor home maintenance. While we often think about cleaning gutters, inspecting roofs, and tuning up the lawnmower, there’s one outdoor fixture that’s frequently overlooked but plays a crucial role in your home’s functionalityโ€”the outdoor spigot, also known as hose bibbs or hydrants. These fixtures, used for several weekly tasks such as gardening and car washes, quietly do their job until they don’t โ€” a sudden burst pipe that floods the basement is a surefire sign that this spring maintenance item was one unchecked on your list.

Whether you’re a seasoned homeowner or a first-time property manager, staying current with your outdoor plumbing maintenance is a small investment that pays off in peace of mind and water-tight budgets.

Spring home

Why Outdoor Spigot Maintenance Matters

Outdoor spigots bear the brunt of seasonal changes, particularly the harshness of winter. Unlike indoor faucets, they’re more exposed to the elements and often closer to the points of water entry, making them susceptible to freezing, which can lead to cracks and leaks. Post-winter, the accumulated freeze-thaw cycles can reveal existing weaknesses in your spigots. Effective spring maintenance not only extends the lifespan of these fixtures but also ensures they’re in good working condition when you need them most.

PRIER, a leading name in plumbing supplies, understands the critical role that durable outdoor spigots play in home water systems. Their commitment to high-quality construction and customization options ensures that PRIER residential hydrants are built to weather the elements.

Prier Spigot

Identifying Spigot Issues Early

The first step in outdoor spigot maintenance is early detection. Here’s what to look out for:

  • Leaks: Check for any drips or wet patches around the spigot when in use.
  • Visible Damage: Look for cracks, corrosion, or missing parts, which can be a sign of internal issues.
  • Operational Problems: If you have to crank the handle too hard or there’s noticeable wear, it might be time for a tune-up.

DIY Maintenance for Homeowners

Spring is the perfect time to perform some basic maintenance on your outdoor spigots.. Here are some simple steps that you can take:

  • Clean the area: Remove any debris or plant overgrowth, keeping the area clear to allow proper drainage.
  • Check connections: Inspect the connection points for any looseness, rust, or signs of leaks.
  • Lubricate moving parts: A bit of silicone spray or plumber’s grease can keep the stem and any moving parts working smoothly.
  • Clean the screen: Unscrew the spigot end and clear out any sediments that might be clogging the screen, affecting water flow.

By regularly performing these checks, you can ensure that your outdoor spigots remain functional throughout the season. Any supplies you may need to complete these tasks can be easily gathered with a quick trip to Advance Plumbing.

When to Call a Professional

Some issues with your outdoor spigot might be beyond your expertise. It’s important to call in a professional plumber if:

  • You spot severe leaks or significant damage.
  • The spigot is causing water pressure problems or strange noises.
  • You’re unsure or uncomfortable with the complexity of the repair.

Remember, attempting to fix something you’re not sure about can often cause more damage. Plumbers have the tools and knowledge to investigate and repair issues safely and efficiently.

The Cost of Ignoring Maintenance

Choosing to overlook outdoor spigot maintenance can have costly repercussions. Water leaks, especially those that go undetected for extended periods, can lead to mold growth, structural damage, and inflated water bills.

PRIER understands the expenses that can accrue from subpar spigot performance. By investing in their top-tier products, homeowners, property managers, and plumbing professionals can feel secure that their outdoor plumbing is outfitted with the best available technology.

Prier Heavy Duty Residential

Shop Advance Plumbing

Home maintenance can be daunting, especially when life gets busy. However, with outdoor spigots, a little attention goes a long way. Taking an hour or two in the spring to ensure that your system is in good shape can save you days of headaches down the line.

Prioritizing your outdoor spigots will not only protect your property but also conserve water. In an age where water is an increasingly precious commodity, every drop saved matters. Ensure that your spring maintenance includes a comprehensive check of all outdoor plumbing elements, with a particular focus on the foundation โ€” your outdoor spigots.

With PRIER’s durable and customizable spigots, backed by professional maintenance and early detection, your home’s outdoor plumbing is set for a successful spring and beyond. Remember, a little maintenance today keeps the water flowing tomorrow. And don’t forget, when in doubt, a professional plumber is there to help.

Stop by one of our two counter locations to find all the materials you need to complete your spring project!

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